buying something just for its images....for writing jurnal

Many people like want to buy their things but they didn’t know where and how to get a good brand thing that they want. So, in this I choose buying something just for its image. This is because, first of all, it’s easy to know and not to make difficult in our self. Why? Because when we look the images we will know everything that we want. So, it’s easy right. Otherwise, the model of the images can be influence to buy those things. This is because she or he nice and handsome, successful, smart, rich and many more. That’s why we will say that we want to be like them. After that, we know the brand, qualities of the thing. The image might be youth, luxury, or energy. Examples when we buy like electrical things we will know what types and many more. They might an upper class thing like Sony, Toshiba, LG, Samsung many more. We also know how that things move, what its shape and colours and also where we want to buy it. Usually, all this things will show at television, radio, in front of many people at market or many places. In the same times, we will get a sharp price and also can negotiate. With this we can save budget our money.

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